Pt. VIJAY RAGHAV RAO : THROES OF FREEDOM                                     Performed by The Indian National Orchestra

An exhilarating, symphonic meditation on aspects of freedom composed and conducted by the celebrated flautist, composer, conductor & poet -  performed by the Indian National Orchestra and Chorus. 

"Monumental. Excellent portrait of lofty themes. Brilliant."  - The Imprint Magazine

"In the midst of darkness, light persists. In the midst of untruth, truth persists"      - Mahatma Gandhi 


The work begins with a prayer to deities that symbolize variegated aspects of freedom. Lord Ganesh is invoked to rid freedom fighters of obstacles in the way of mind, purpose, expression and progress. Goddess Saraswati is harkened for enduring creativity founded in knowledge. Teachers are remembered for shaping character that will withstand travails on the way to liberation. A free motherland, the prayer affirms, is akin to a soul freed from the bonds of shackled existence by unwavering devotion. 


The free in this world owe unceasing gratitude to those who have fallen for their freedoms. This movement is a paean to their effort. Sparks of inspiration coalesce into defiant marches, then veer into melancholy.  Purpose finds faith perchance, then soars awhile, beckoning change. When the faithful fall, the whiff of freedom persists like the dying flame of a tiny lamp in the darkness that engulfs. Nevertheless, any effort in the cause of freedom is sacred. 


The struggle to be free is endowed with the intangible reckoning of nationhood. The ennobling spirit of a free people dedicated to raising a community of shared values that define them is energizing. Unseen, but always felt in the hearts of those who aspire to freedom, it finds voice in tangible manifests of geography: proud mountains, giving rivers, resplendent forests, nascent villages teeming with the anxious willing to sacrifice for an idea of boundless possibilities that is nationhood. 


In the throes of freedom, the resolve to fight without violence is as sacred as prayer. Ahimsa elevates the fight for freedom to the realm of godliness. The oppressed bestow on their opponents a dignity equal to their own, and by unstated extension, to humankind. We fight to establish a way of life bound by common values, its proponents say, not to denigrate humanity by violence. The ensuing nature of the fight is fraught with unnerving doubt. But belief in Ahimsa finds expression in actions that are transforming. Dialogue, debate, expression of opposing ideas, determined organizing and civil disobedience elevate anger and dissonance to civilized discourse. Soon walls crumble, possibilities arise, transforming into opportunities that result in a pervasive sense of freeness. 


The ravages of intense struggle are soothed by the elixir of freedom’s promises. We fight for the good and righteous life beyond the turn in the road that approaches rapidly. For every doubt in our mind, a resolution awaits there. Our toil, so real, is worth the promising bounty of freedom’s treasure. The throes of freedom can find rationale in the dreams that fill our mind. It is as worthy to hope as it is to fight. Righteousness in defiance can only lead to victory and fulfillment.



Composed by Pt. Vijay Raghav Rao

Performed by The Indian National Orchestra & Chorus, conducted by Pt. Vijay Raghav Rao 

Libretto by Steve Elchuri 

Recorded live at the studios of All India Radio (AIR) and at Siri Fort, New Delhi, India 

Special thanks to All India Radio (AIR) and the National Centre For The Performing Arts 

Special thanks to Smt. Lakshmi V. Rao

With love and respect for Pt. Ravi Shankar

Original analogue recordings were digitally remastered by The Red & Green Company 

Sound Executive Dr. Vijay Elchuri  Executive Producer Sanjay Kumar  

© 2018 by Pt. Vijay Raghav Rao & Family. All Rights Reserved 

From The Red & Green Company