Pt. VIJAY RAGHAV RAO - DEVI : Homage to Goddesses

“Whatsoever form of mine any devotee wishes to worship with faith, that same faith of his I make firm and unflinching.” – The Bhagvad Geeta 

D E V I : Homage To Goddesses is Pt. Vijay Raghav Rao’s affirmation of faith in the divinity that is womanhood.  Through performances of his compositions that embody distinct characteristics of such divinity, Panditji venerates the manifestation of godliness in the female form. 

Eloquently expressive. Artistically and aesthetically satisfying. Notable for celerity and fluency. Full of zest and fervor, the sallies flutter up and down octaves impelled by a passion to reveal impressions of innermost meaning.”  - The Statesman 

“Highlighting an inimitable sense of design and flair for handling complex melodic themes.” - The Indian Express


DEVI : Homage to Goddesses


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    Mamta 3:23
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    Durga 7:17
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1. Mamta 

The album begins with a rendition of Mamta, a reverential tribute to motherhood. One of Panditji’s contributions to the canon of Indian classical music, Mamta shines a light on an exalted state of humanness that, to him, exemplifies godliness. Based on a seemingly simple musical scale, the composition blossoms into a fountainhead of intricate phrases – each conveying profound emotions in equal parts human and divine.  Mamta illustrates Panditji’s mission of using music to highlight sublime truths of our humanity with an imagination that is characteristic of artistic genius. 


2. Ambika Sarang 

This selection is a live performance offering homage to Ambika, the consort of Lord Shiva. Shimmering with a range of tonal colorations that bristle with improvisatory cadences, the rendition represents the multi-hued nature of Devi Ambika. Legend imputes Ambika as the lineal progenitor of all goddesses. She, for the love of all matter, existence and natural order, sacrifices her own being for their preservation. This she does, legend says, time and time again, as manifest in fortuitous circumstances shaping change for the good. Through variations in melody and rhythm, Panditji’s performance, accordingly, seamlessly integrates sacred emotions such as love, benevolence and sacrifice. 

Introduction & two compositions set to rhythmic cycles of ten and sixteen beats. 

Tabla : Pt. Sadanand Nayampalli 

3. Durga 

This performance is a lilting paean to Devi Durga in keeping with her legendary renown as a goddess of unassailable strength, who, unleashing potent forces of measured intent, secures justice for the righteous. Through the expression of exuberant variations in sets of musical notes strung together as in garlands of vibrant color, Panditji celebrates the quiet presence of Durga in our lives - despite shades of dark circumstance. Let not the weight of hopelessness wear us down, his music says – contemplate the conquests of Devi Durga, big or small, to feel her divine grace wreak joyous resolution. 

Drut set to a rhythmic cycle of sixteen beats 

Tabla : Sanjay Kumar 

4. Saraswati 

This selection is a recording of a live performance paying homage to Devi Saraswati, the goddess of learning, who elevates our existential being from the mundane to refined transcendence. To Panditji Saraswati represents all that is noble in the sciences and the arts. This rendition is expansive, dwelling on intricate phrasing that delineates unique structure for the purpose of highlighting emotions of gratefulness for a goddess who has endowed us with the skill, understanding and knowledge to appreciate the finer aspects of life. 

Alap; Vilambit (twelve beats per cycle), & Drut (sixteen beats per cycle) 

Tabla : Pt. Mahadev Indorkar 

5. Parameshwari 

The album concludes with a prayer thanking Parameshwari, the feminine incarnation of Lord Shiva. Through an invocation as elegant as it is beautiful, Panditji expresses gratitude to Devi Parameshwari for endowing his performances with the innate and infinite grace that is characteristic of her divinity. 



Pt. Vijay Raghav Rao - DEVI : Homage to Goddesses 

Recorded live in Bombay, India; Springfield, Virginia; and Oxnard, California, USA 

Special thanks to Smt. Lakshmi V. Rao 

CD Album manufactured by Bison Disc 

Sound Executive : Dr. Vijay Vardhan Elchuri  Executive Producer : Sanjay Kumar 

© 2021 by Pt. Vijay Raghav Rao & Family 

From The Red & Green Company